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Summary of odes on non-traditional drawing techniques in the senior group. Summary of a lesson on unconventional drawing techniques, blotography, in the senior group "miracles around us" Drawing lesson in the senior group with non-traditional drawing techniques

Summary of a lesson on unconventional drawing in the senior group

Topic: “Beautiful butterflies”

Description of material : I bring to your attention a summary of a lesson in visual arts for children of senior preschool age on the topic: “Beautiful butterflies.” This material will be of interest to teachers of older groups.

Target: Introduce children to a new way of transmitting images “monotype”

Tasks: Learn to draw on a wet sheet of paper. Develop fine motor skills of fingers and hands. Continue to develop fantasy, imagination, aesthetic taste and sense of color. Foster independence when doing work and a caring attitude towards insects.

Preliminary work : Looking at illustrations of butterflies. Reading works of fiction about insects. Observing butterflies in nature.

Equipment: Audio recording of musical works, gouache, brush, stand for the brush, container with water, rag, palette, white butterflies, bent in half.
Vocabulary work : monotype

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello guys. Guests have arrived. I’ll tell you a riddle, and you tell me who’s visiting us.

Mystery: The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up - I didn't want to sleep anymore. He moved, he started, He soared up and flew away.

Children: Butterfly.
Educator: Butterflies! Some of the most beautiful creatures on earth! They look like flowers come to life, their wings are fabulous! The most fertile time for butterflies is summer. They feed on the sweet juice of flowers - nectar on warm summer days, flitting from flower to flower. The wings of the butterfly are covered with tiny scales, which give it its bright color. If the insect is caught, these powdery scales will remain on the hands. Without this coating, the butterfly may die. Flying from flower to flower, she carries pollen on her legs, thereby helping the flowers bloom. Butterflies are always beautiful, as if they were going to a royal ball. I have prepared for you a video clip “Magnificent Butterflies” (View)

Educator: Let us turn into little butterflies.

Close your eyes and imagine that we are butterflies.

We are very beautiful and elegant, in various colors and shades.

Let's spread our graceful wings.

The flower was sleeping (the children are sitting with their arms folded)

And suddenly I woke up (got up)

Started up (tilts left - right; arms freely lowered)

Stretched (raise their arms, stretch upward, standing on their tiptoes)

Soared up (movement of hands forward and backward)

And he flew (arms to the sides, body turns left - right)

The sun will just wake up in the morning (turns around itself in place)

The butterfly circles and curls (imitation of the flapping of a butterfly's wings).

(Movements are performed to music.)

Well, we arrived at the clearing. Look how many beautiful flowers there are. Sit down in the clearing. How many of you know poems about butterflies?


1 I wanted to touch with my hands the most beautiful flower. And he, waving his petals, took off and flew away under the clouds! (T. Nesterova)

2 A beautiful butterfly, in a bright, colored dress, whirled, flew, sat on a flower, and was tired. I didn’t sit down to rest, I ate flower nectar. (S. Bogdan)

3 In a forest clearing there is a miracle - there are bows on the flowers, the butterflies are settled like colored candy wrappers. (G. Ryaskina)

Educator: I know a fairy tale, listen to it.

Once upon a time there lived a caterpillar. Everyone laughed at her, she was so ugly. One day the caterpillar decided to hide in a cocoon so that no one would see it. She sat in it, sat, and fell asleep. While she was sleeping, winter passed and the long-awaited spring came. The caterpillar woke up and stuck out its antennae to see if there was anyone there who could laugh at it. There was no one there. Then she crawled out entirely from her cocoon. The caterpillar felt that something was bothering it on its back. She shook herself and suddenly... flew. Flying over the pond, she looked into it as if into a mirror and saw a beautiful... (butterfly). Yes, a butterfly with huge bright wings. "Who is this beauty?" – she thought, “Oh, it’s me! I am a butterfly! She flew over the meadow and everyone who saw her admired: “What a beautiful butterfly!” The butterfly wanted to make friends with other butterflies, but saw only white butterflies. And white butterflies flew up to her and admired her beauty. "Such a beauty. Why aren't we like this? And they were very upset. Do you feel sorry for butterflies?

Children: I feel very sorry for the butterflies.

Educator : Let us help them - paint the butterflies in bright colors. Today I invite you to learn how to draw beautiful butterflies using one interesting and unusual technique. You've never drawn like this. Want to try and learn? This method is called "monotype". Monotype is a print. The design is first applied to one side of the sheet. Then we cover the drawing with the second half of the sheet and iron it with our hand from the center - the fold line - to the edges of the sheet. You can finish drawing the butterfly this way many times, adding new touches to its image. And no matter how many prints we make, each time it is a new, unique print. Now we open the wings. Look how beautiful it turned out! Before you get to work, we will do gymnastics for your fingers:

Finger gymnastics: “BUTTERFLY”

Cabbage Butterfly

I flew over a flower,

She fluttered merrily

Collected pollen.

(Cross your wrists and press your palms with the backs of your hands against each other, fingers straight. With a light but sharp movement of your hands at the wrists, imitate the flight of a butterfly.)

Educator: Look what a wonderful summer meadow we have! We have a lot of butterflies, but none of them are the same!

Child: Here in beautiful dresses, like sisters

The butterflies sat down in the grass to rest.

Then they close it with a motley little book,

Then, opening up, they rush again.

Child : Butterfly, let's be friends,

Life is more fun in friendship.

We have flowers in the group,

Fly over them, you!


Davydova G.N. “Non-traditional drawing techniques in preschool educational institutions. Part 1, 2". - M.: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”, 2008.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques for children/A manual for educators and interested parents/. SPb.: KARO, 2008.

Kazakova R.G. “Drawing classes for preschoolers: non-traditional techniques, planning, lesson notes.” - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2009.

Familiarizing a child with the diversity of the world around him is one of the main tasks facing a teacher working with preschool children. Great opportunities for achieving this goal lie in unconventional drawing. In kindergarten today, special attention is paid to this area. Let's talk about it in the article.

Unconventional drawing methods. Their advantages

The usual traditional set of artistic means to some extent limits the child’s imagination. Sometimes it turns out to be insufficient to express all the feelings and convey the images that arise in the soul and mind of the baby. have a number of advantages that teachers and parents need to know about in order to use the method to its fullest.

  • Unconventional techniques liberate the child; he is not afraid of doing something wrong. On the contrary, the originality of the solution to the task is encouraged by the teacher leading the lesson.
  • Positive emotions are an integral part of classes where non-traditional drawing is used. In the senior group of a kindergarten, as well as in groups where younger children study, creating a favorable atmosphere and a positive emotional mood is very important for the overall development of children.
  • Alternative drawing techniques do not tire children. A high degree of performance is maintained throughout the entire lesson. This helps develop perseverance, concentration, and the ability to finish what you start.

What do classes contribute to?

Used by educators, parents, and teachers, non-traditional kindergarten can become one of the components of preparing a child for school.

This is explained by the fact that during such activities children develop their individuality. The teacher, organizing the work, uses the revealed capabilities of the children in the further development of their abilities. Properly organized classes contribute to the intellectual development of children and the correction of mental processes in preschoolers. Children get the opportunity to feel confident in their abilities, which is especially important for the future of schoolchildren. The development of fine motor skills of the hands is especially active in classes where non-traditional drawing is used.

In the older group, you can use techniques such as palm painting, wax and watercolor, and foam rubber. Drawing using the techniques of blotography, imprints, dot painting, splashing and many other methods is very popular among children and teachers. When choosing a methodology, the teacher must take into account the age of the children and their readiness to perform high-quality work.

Hand drawing

Non-traditional drawing in the senior group of kindergarten cannot do without the use of this method. First of all, children's fingers are used for this. You need to invite the child to dip his finger in the gouache and paint with it like with a brush. Each individual finger of the hand can be used for different paints.

Ask your child to paint their palm with a brush. After this, you need to leave an imprint on the paper by hand and give the resulting image recognizable shapes. The print can turn into a fish, a butterfly, a bouquet, a bird, an animal figure or some kind of fairy-tale creature. To complete such a task, children have to use a variety of hand movements: swatting, smearing, dabbing, and others.

Types of signets

Non-traditional drawing in kindergarten is constantly developing. Teachers are constantly finding new materials with which they can put images on paper. A method called printing has become widespread. The bottom line is that when applying a design to paper, instead of a brush, some unusual, unusual material is used.

As signets, you can take pieces of foam rubber or sponges, potatoes, crumpled paper, plant leaves, cotton swabs, polystyrene foam, crumpled napkins, cotton wool or any other material that can leave an unusual imprint on paper.

This drawing technique is very well suited for depicting animals, since thanks to the print you can show how fluffy or prickly the animal’s body is. You can show the transparency of an object, grace, and most accurately convey the material of its manufacture.


To develop a child's imagination and creative imagination, it is difficult to overestimate the method of blotography - this useful and unconventional drawing involves the use of a sheet of paper folded in half. On one of its sides, using a tube, a plastic spoon or something else, a blot or several blots are applied with gouache. Then the sheet is folded in half, pressed with the palm of your hand and opened again. As a result of this action, a fantastic drawing appears. This is what needs to be turned into a recognizable image. At the final stage of work, the child can use a brush, pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons and other drawing tools.


Children can be offered another exciting activity. In their arsenal they have such a method as spraying. To work, you will need stencils, which are laid out on paper in the required order. Stencils can depict trees, flowers, animal figures, toys and other objects.

After the stencils are laid out, paint is sprayed onto a sheet of paper. It is collected onto the bristles of a toothbrush, along which it is then drawn with a ruler towards you. The specks resulting from splashing paint should evenly fill the entire sheet. After the paint has dried, the stencils can be removed and the necessary details can be painted on with a brush.


A collage can be a general work that will show how children have learned to use non-traditional drawing techniques. When performing this type of work, the child uses all the techniques and methods that he has learned. This is the most difficult type of activity, since here it is necessary not only to remember the drawing technique, but also to select the most compatible techniques.

Descriptions of methods where non-traditional drawing is used, notes from classes with children of different ages can be found in sufficient quantities in specialized literature devoted to the development of children's creativity. Engage in drawing with your children, and then they will sooner comprehend the beauty of the world around them!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 5"

Usolye-Sibirskoye, Irkutsk region


non-traditional drawing classes in the senior correctional group

(field: artistic creativity)
theme: "Butterflies"
execution technique: monotype, gouache.

MBDOU "Kindergarten compensatory type No. 5"

Place of work: MBDOU "D/garden KV No. 5" Usolye-Sibirskoye, Irkutsk region, Kosmonavtov Avenue 46a.

year 2013

Program content:
Introduce children to a new way of conveying images “monotype”, teach them to draw on a wet sheet of paper. Improve the grammatical structure of speech (prefixed verbs, prepositions: from, to, over, between) Develop fine motor skills of fingers and hands.
Continue to develop fantasy, imagination, aesthetic taste and sense of color.
Foster independence when doing work and a caring attitude towards insects.
Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations of butterflies. Reading works of fiction about insects. Observation of butterflies in nature in the spring and summer.
Equipment: audio recording of musical works, butterflies cut from album sheets, for each child: a sheet of paper, gouache, a brush, a stand for a brush, a container with water, a rag, a palette.
Vocabulary work: monotype, expand vocabulary.

Progress of the lesson:
I. Organizational part.
Children listen to the riddle:
No, not a bird, but it flies.
She flies high.
He will sit on the flowers,
And it attracts everyone with coloring.
All such a sweetheart,
Little... (butterfly)
Butterflies! Some of the most beautiful creatures on earth! They look like flowers come to life, their wings are fabulous! Butterflies are always beautiful, as if they were going to a royal ball! Looking at illustrations of butterflies.
A butterfly is an insect. Like other insects, she has six legs and wings.
How many wings does a butterfly have? (four: two upper and two lower)
Do butterflies have the same wings? (opposite wings of butterflies are called symmetrical, identical, and the pattern is also the same, both on the right wing and on the left, like two twins)
What do butterflies eat? (nectar of flowers, for this they have a long proboscis)
What other insects do you know? Game exercise “What is a butterfly doing?” (butterfly - flies, flutters, sits, flies up, flies away, flies in, flies over, etc.) Let us turn into little butterflies.

Mini-study “Butterflies and Moths”

Guys, close your eyes and imagine that we are butterflies and moths. We are very beautiful and elegant, in various colors and shades. We love flowers very much, and even look like them ourselves. And now we will fly to a flower meadow. Let's spread our graceful wings and take to the skies.

And now we will fly. Smoothly, easily flap our wings.

Well, we arrived at the clearing. There are so many different flowers around: cornflowers, daisies. Here the fragrant porridge grows. Let's fly up to these flowers and taste their fragrant pollen. Oh, what sweet, delicious pollen! The butterflies really liked it. And now the butterflies have formed a round dance and are dancing on the flowers. They easily step on flowers so as not to hurt them.

The sun began to get hot. Let's stretch our wings to him. After all, we love the sun very much and rejoice in its light and warmth.

And now the butterflies and moths have again scattered in different directions and are fluttering from flower to flower. How good, how beautiful all around!

And so butterflies fly all day long. But then evening comes, and butterflies and moths sit on some flower, fold their wings and fall asleep.
Guys, listen, it seems to me that someone has flown to us... These are butterflies. Carrying out breathing exercises by blowing on the wings of butterflies cut out of paper.
Today I invite you to learn how to draw beautiful butterflies using one interesting and unusual technique. You've never drawn like this. Want to try and learn? This method is called "monotype". Show.
II. Practical part.
Exercises to develop finger muscles, eye coordination, attention, accuracy. Let’s prepare our fingers and eyes for work using the technique of “drawing in the air with the nose and eyes.” First we draw the body of the butterfly with its nose in the air, then the wings. We follow the drawing in the air with our eyes. Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful butterfly, its patterns on its wings. Open your eyes and imagine: a butterfly is sleeping on your palm. And then she wakes up. The lower right wing (little finger) fluttered, then the lower left wing (ring finger), the upper right wing (middle finger) woke up, and the upper left wing (index finger) fluttered. The wings move quickly, but our beautiful butterfly does not fly, blow on it.
Stages of work execution.
1. Fold a sheet of paper in half.
2. Moisten one half of the sheet well with water.
3. On the same half of the sheet, draw the upper and lower wings.
4. And then quickly, before the paint has time to dry, fold the sheet and iron it with your hand to get a symmetrical pattern.
5. Complete the drawing (round head, antennae, middle part and abdomen)
6. The patterns on the wings of butterflies are considered one of the wonders of nature - they are so unusual and interesting. Therefore, you can safely fantasize and come up with patterns for your butterflies.
III. Final part.
All Upon completion, examine the drawings, highlight the diversity and unusualness of the image in a new way. Find the “zest” in each drawing, note the beautiful combination of colors. Together with your children, choose the most beautiful, unusual, bright butterflies.

Children and creativity are inseparable concepts. Every child is an artist and sculptor, singer and musician at heart. Creative impulses in children manifest themselves in the most unimaginable form, but are very often associated with artistic activity. Many mothers sooner or later wonder why a child should learn to draw? And really, why, if you don’t plan to raise another Surikov or Aivazovsky? If your goal is to see your child as a successful, self-confident person, then encourage creative expressions, because any visual work is an important condition for the normal development of the child.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten and at home help develop spatial thinking, eye, and coordination. After all, the baby needs to connect the ratio of the sizes of the parts into a single composition and arrange them harmoniously on the sheet. When working on a complex decorative composition, the child learns to plan his actions and choose the appropriate material. It is very important for him to understand that he can create something with his own hands.

Everyone knows that drawing is one of our children’s favorite activities. With great pleasure they draw with colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, dipping a brush into a bright substance. Why not dip your finger there or smear paint all over your palm? Fine art cannot have boundaries; it is necessary to destroy all boundaries of the familiar and traditional!

Unconventional drawing techniques attract our fidgets much more, because they do not require perseverance, allow them to more clearly reveal their potential during creativity, and introduce the child to the opportunity to unusually use the things around us as materials for creativity. If the most unusual colors and bright pencils no longer arouse the child’s former interest, then you can dilute your fidget’s creativity with other drawing methods. Why is drawing in unconventional ways useful in kindergarten and at home?

  • The baby uses a variety of materials, recognizes differences in textures, which allows him to improve fine motor skills.
  • There is an acquaintance with volume, shape and space, which develops imagination.
  • The ability to combine and mix shades develops aesthetic taste.
  • The use of unusual materials develops thinking and teaches one to make non-standard decisions.
  • Drawings using such techniques come out much faster, which pleases the little ones who lack perseverance.
  • It adds self-confidence and faith in your abilities, because even without outstanding skills you can create a unique “masterpiece”!

All the most interesting techniques and methods were collected and systematized by G.N. Davydov in the book “Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten.” This book is an excellent assistant both for the teacher and for the mother who wants to diversify her leisure time with her baby.

Let's start creating: fingers or palms

Non-traditional drawing techniques involve depicting images using various materials, including “non-artistic” ones: crumpled paper, foam rubber, threads, paraffin candle or wax crayons, dried leaves; drawing without using a tool - with your palms or fingers and much more. Such methods are successfully used both in kindergarten and at home.

For different ages, you can offer your own technique, for example, the little ones will find it interesting to paint with their fingers, because it is still difficult for a baby to hold a brush, but the baby already has excellent control of his own hands. Dip the little one's palm into the paint and suggest leaving a mark on the paper, just as cats and dogs leave marks. Look at the print with your baby, who does it look like? It looks like an elephant or a turtle, and if we add an eye, there will be a fish! The whole action is guided only by your baby’s imagination, and if suddenly he is confused, then help him, conduct a master class - paint your palm and leave a print. “Look, the mother turned out to be an elephant, but where is the baby elephant?” - the child will be happy to join in such a funny game.

You can dip your entire palm in the paint, but only your fingers, and leave tiny prints. The more multi-colored prints, the more interesting the drawing - let the child fantasize for his own pleasure. Adults should be prepared for the fact that the paint will be not only on the piece of paper, but also on the baby, or rather, the baby will be covered in it and the surrounding objects too. Therefore, take care of cleanliness in advance: cover the table where you plan to set up a creative workshop with oilcloth, and put on an apron and sleeves on your baby, otherwise, what kind of flight of fancy can we talk about if you constantly tell your baby: “Be careful, you’ll get dirty!”

Let's continue to fantasize. Stamps, impressions

Children of all ages like to use stamps when drawing. This unique technique of non-traditional drawing in kindergarten is so easy to perform and diverse in manifestation that it is perfect for work both in kindergarten and at home. Ready-made stamps can be purchased at an art supply store. But it’s much more interesting to make a stamp yourself, or even better with your baby.

Almost anything that can be dipped in paint and then left an imprint on a piece of paper will work as a stamp. You can cut an apple or a potato - this is the simplest stamp. You can cut out some kind of shape on half a potato: a heart or a flower. Another stamp is made from ordinary threads, wound around any base. You don’t have to wind the threads, but simply immerse them in paint. After thorough impregnation, they are laid out on one sheet, covered with another, pressed lightly, and the intricate pattern is admired.

It is easy to make a stamp from ordinary plasticine. Come up with an interesting shape and decorate a small piece of plasticine. It is better to choose thick paint for classic stamps. You can give the background an unusual texture by using a crumpled napkin or paper, and then follow the proven scheme: dip it in paint and stamp it. Very beautiful stamps are made from dried leaves: paint the leaf on one side, place it on paper and press. After the painted leaf was removed, the picture “Golden Autumn” was created – the baby was absolutely delighted.

There is another unconventional drawing technique, similar to a stamp, but with an interesting feature - drawing with foam rubber. Cut a small piece from an ordinary sponge, dip it in paint and cover the sheet with gentle pressure. This is how you easily and simply get a wonderful background for further drawing, and if you use stencils or templates for children’s drawing, you will get an amazing floral or geometric pattern.

Drawing with dots

Drawing with dots can be distinguished as a method of visual creativity for children. This simple technique is understandable even to the little one. You will need paints and cotton swabs or regular markers. We dip the stick in the paint, and with gentle pressure we draw a dot on a sheet of paper, then another one - until the invented image appears on the album sheet. You can help your child by drawing the outline of the future drawing, and he will fill it with a large number of bright prints. The theme of the dotted pattern can be anything – a winter fairy tale or bright sunshine. Education at such a tender age should be carried out unobtrusively, in the form of a game.

Monotype technique

For older children, you can offer more interesting types of artistic creativity. For example, an interesting technique, which is also based on prints, is “Monotype”. Its goal is to create a symmetrical drawing, such as a mushroom, an insect (butterfly or ladybug); for the senior preschool group, you can depict a landscape reflected in a lake.

We take a landscape sheet of paper, bend it in half, then unfold it and draw on one half relative to the fold line. Since we have agreed to depict a butterfly, we draw one wing, then stroke the folded sheet with our hand. Let's open it - the butterfly already has two wings and they are exactly the same! The missing elements can be completed with a brush.

A feeling of delight is guaranteed, while the child understands that his “hooligan” actions, when blots and splashes fly onto the album sheet, are also a form of art. “Blotography” also has the name “Spraying”. Using these techniques you can achieve unusual artistic effects.

Splashing paint, also known as "Spraying". A toothbrush will come to our aid. Gently dip it into the paint and lightly tap it towards you with a pen or pencil. A huge number of small droplets remain on the sheet. Using this unconventional painting technique, you can create a very realistic winter landscape or deep space with many stars. “Blotography” will help the young artist populate the uninhabited planets of space with funny aliens. All you have to do is put more paint on the brush and let it drip onto a sheet of paper, and you get a blot. And now we blow on it, dispersing the rays in different directions. Let's add a pair of eyes to the dried blot, or maybe two pairs, this is an unknown animal, and send it to populate distant worlds!

An interesting texture can be achieved by using a dry brush. Lightly dip a dry wide brush into the gouache and wipe off the excess paint on the jar. We draw with vertical poking movements. The image turns out “shaggy” and “prickly”, in this way Christmas trees and hedgehogs, a field with green grass turn out to be very realistic. In this non-traditional way, you can draw flowers, such as asters, in kindergarten.

Incredible possibilities of ordinary things.

  1. Bubble.

It turns out that you can not only blow and burst soap bubbles, but you can also draw with them. Dilute a little paint in a glass of soapy water, take a tube and blow bubbles into the glass. Your kids will enjoy doing this trick. Well, there is a lot of bright multi-colored foam, apply a sheet of paper to it, and as soon as bubbles begin to appear, the paper needs to be removed - the colorful pattern is ready!

  1. Salt.

Don't be surprised, but salt can be used for more than just cooking. An interesting texture will be obtained if you sprinkle the undried drawing with salt, and when the paint dries, just chicken out.

  1. Sand, beads and various grains are also used to create creative textures. There are several options for using such materials.
  • Sprinkle the pre-glued sheet with cereal, sand or beads, and then draw on the textured surface.
  • We cover the areas where the design will be depicted with glue.
  • Paint and dry the necessary materials in advance, and then decorate the drawing with them.

Classics in an unconventional interpretation

Let's put away the stamps and salt, wipe off our paint-stained pens, and get out the watercolors and brushes. Boring? It’s not boring at all, but very interesting, because with the help of classic watercolor paints we will create miracles!

You need to take thick paper (the best option is special watercolor paper) and wet it until it is sufficiently wet. Put a little paint on the brush and lightly touch the brush to the wet paper. The movements should be light and smooth, the beauty of the result depends on this. Before your eyes, a drop of paint spreads in different directions, turning into something amazing! It's a good time to tell your child about the rules for getting new colors and shades. Now this practice is most obvious. The resulting unimaginable divorces will serve as an interesting backdrop for future creative works.

The next unconventional drawing technique that we will consider, also from the category of “miracles nearby”, is called “Aquatype”.

This is a technique of painting with paints and water, also known as water printing. Just as in the previous method, we will need thick paper, we will choose no less traditional paints - gouache, we also need black or any dark ink. Think with your child, what would he like to portray? This method produces unusually beautiful flowers. After the paints have dried, paint over the entire sheet of paper with ink, then immerse your work in a bowl of water and enjoy the wonderful transformations! The gouache will all dissolve, leaving only your drawing on a dark background. Why isn't it magic?

The series of incredible transformations is not over! Let's take the same thick paper and use wax crayons (if you don't have them at hand, you can use an ordinary candle) apply a drawing or pattern. Next, apply watercolor paint to the entire sheet (the areas treated with wax will not be painted). A drawing will appear on a colored watercolor background, which will be a surprise for the baby, because when you draw with colorless chalk on a white sheet, it is quite difficult to imagine the end result. The process of magic can also ultimately bring quite a practical result.

Making “marble paper” is an extremely exciting activity that kids really like: it’s fun to play with things that are not allowed to be taken at all. For example, dad's shaving foam. To work you will need:

  • shaving foam;
  • watercolor paints;
  • flat plate;
  • sheet of thick paper.

First you need to get a saturated solution: mix the paint with water. Then apply a thick layer of shaving foam to the plate, and add a few bright drops of paint in a chaotic manner. Using a brush, we paint drops of paint on the foam, creating intricate zigzags and patterns. Here it is - a magical mystery that will completely absorb an enthusiastic child. And here is the promised practical effect. We apply the sheet to the rainbow foam, and then turn it over so that the foam is on top of the sheet. We remove the remaining foam on the paper with a scraper. And - lo and behold! Unimaginable stains appear from under the foam, similar to a marble pattern. The paper has absorbed the paint. After drying, “marble paper” can be used in making crafts or as an addition to decoration.

There is no limit to creativity

For children who have already become acquainted with many interesting techniques and have shown their extraordinary creative abilities, we can offer a rather difficult drawing technique - “scratching”.

You need thick paper, you need to color it with wax crayons, preferably bright colors, then cover it with black gouache or ink using a wide brush. If you intend to use gouache, add a little PVA glue so that the dried paint does not crumble. When the ink (or gouache) has dried, the workpiece is ready for further work. Now we take a thin stack (any sharp, non-writing instrument) and start drawing. But this process can only be called painting conditionally, since the top layer of paint is scraped off. Thus, stroke by stroke, a bright wax layer is revealed and projected into the artist’s idea.

Young artists will enjoy the technique of drawing on glass using plasticine.

Choose the design you like, cover it with glass, and use a black felt-tip pen to draw the outlines of the design onto the glass. Then we proceed to fill the contours with soft plasticine, trying not to protrude beyond the edge. The reverse side does not look so neat, but the front side shows a bright and clear picture. Place your work in a frame, and you can use colored cardboard as a background.

There are also a number of non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten that children of the middle and senior preschool groups can easily master. For everyday activities, a combination of applique with a classic pattern may be suitable. Pre-cut elements are glued onto a landscape sheet, after which the image is given a finished look using pencils or paints.

One of the accessible and entertaining techniques is “Frontage”.

This type of fine art has been familiar to us since childhood; remember, they hid a coin under a sheet of paper and shaded it with a simple pencil? In the same way, instead of a coin, you can use dry leaves, and shade not with a pencil, but with colored pastels. The drawing will turn out bright and rich.

We have become acquainted with a large number of drawing techniques and have already learned a lot, so why not put our knowledge into practice? Using both traditional and non-traditional painting techniques, any interior items are decorated. Decorative drawing in kindergarten also has an applied nature; a child can already decorate, for example, a pencil stand or a clay vase, or he can please his mother and create a unique pattern on a cutting board. Just remember that for such work you need to choose waterproof paints: acrylic or oil. To make the result last longer, coat the finished craft with varnish.

For interior decoration, the stained glass technique is used.

The essence of the technique is to apply an adhesive contour and fill it with paint. There are many options for performing this technique, but one of the most interesting is to apply a pattern to oilcloth, and after drying, the pattern can be removed from the oilcloth and glued to any surface, for example, glass - there will be a translucent bright picture.

Let's take a closer look at the technique itself.

The ideal option would be to use specialized stained glass paints, but if you don’t have any, you can be smart and make them yourself. Take ordinary gouache and add PVA glue; after drying, the paints have an elastic structure, which will allow you to remove the picture from the film without difficulty. Choose the design you like and draw its outline onto a transparent oilcloth (you can take a regular file or a transparent plastic folder). It is better to make the outline first with a pencil or felt-tip pen, and then outline it either with a ready-made stained glass outline, or with ordinary PVA glue from a tube with a dispenser. Wait for the outline to dry, then fill in with bright colors. After complete drying, you can peel the design from the film and decorate the intended surface.

You can decorate not only interior items, but also wardrobe items with special fabric paints. This technique is called “Cold Batik”. Invite your child to make a designer painting of an ordinary white T-shirt, only your child will have one, one and only!

  • The T-shirt must first be fixed in an embroidery hoop or in a stretcher for painting on canvas.
  • Using a pencil and tracing paper, transfer the image of your favorite cartoon character onto fabric.

One of the most important stages of this method is the application of a reserve composition, in other words, a protective contour that will prevent the paint from spreading over the fabric. The contour must be closed to prevent spreading.

  • After drying, according to the scheme known to us, we fill the contours with paint.
  • Then the drawing must be fixed. Place one sheet of paper under the design and the other on the design and iron it.

This product can be washed, but it is better to wash it by hand in cool water. The unique product is ready.


All considered non-traditional drawing techniques are applicable only indoors. What about walks in the fresh air in summer? Are only outdoor games suitable for outdoor activities? No, you can do fine art. Drawing in summer in kindergarten can also be done outside, using classic chalk. Drawing on asphalt in kindergarten is a wonderful entertaining and educational activity. Children draw with crayons wherever there is a more or less hard surface: asphalt, tiles, fences, walls of the house. It’s wonderful to see a bright embodiment of fantasy instead of gray asphalt.

Abstract of an open integrated GCD on non-traditional drawing methods in the senior group “Yagodka”.

Program content:

  • To cultivate a love for the beauty of our native nature, respect for each other and mutual assistance.
  • Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with materials.
  • Arouse interest in creating the image of snow lace using various non-traditional techniques.
  • Develop creative imagination and fantasy.

Equipment and materials: Projector , dark colored cardboard, PVA glue, table salt, a snowflake with a riddle, a package, a letter from Santa Claus.

Preliminary work.

Introduction to lace making. Observing the shape and structure of snowflakes while walking with a magnifying glass. Comparison of Vologda lace with frosty patterns and snowflakes.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Org. moment. (Children enter the group and stand in a circle)

Educator : Hello guys. Today we have an unusual drawing. And yet, guests came to us. Let's all look at our guests and smile at them, and let's not be distracted anymore. (Children turn to the guests and smile). Now look at each other and smile too.

Psycho-gymnastics: “Ray”

Reaching for the sun

They took the ray

Pressed to my heart

And they gave it to each other. (Children perform actions according to the text) Children sit on chairs.

2.Surprise moment.

The teacher asks the children what time of year it is. (Listen to the children’s answers)

Educator : Now are the last days of late autumn, but on Sunday Winter will come. Winter is a wonderful time of year! Various miracles happen in winter! So I received a small parcel. Who sent it to us? Let's see what's in it, maybe we'll find out who it's from.

(Reads the piece of paper attached to the parcel). It cannot be opened, it says here...“You can open it when you read 3 poems about winter.” (Children read poems).

(The teacher opens the package)

Educator: - Well done, guys!..... Guys, here lies a snowflake with a riddle poem. Listen carefully to guess it. Whoever guesses it will raise their hand:

Invisible, carefully He comes to me,

And like an artist he draws, He draws patterns on the window.

This is a maple, and this is a willow, Here is a palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he paints with just white paint!

Educator :- Guys, who is this artist?

Children: - Of course, Frost.

3.Introduction to the topic.

Educator :- Let's see what else is in the package?

(The teacher takes out pictures from the parcel - depicting frosty patterns) The children look at them together with the teacher.

Educator:- Guys, please tell me how you get such beautiful lace patterns on glass? (children's answers)

The teacher leads the children to the conclusion that frost draws patterns with transparent water vapor, which is always in the air and in the room. Warm water vapor settles on the cold glass of the windows and turns into ice crystals, just like snowflakes in the sky. There are many such ice crystals, they connect with each other. Ice floes group on uneven surfaces, and an ice garden gradually grows on the window with extraordinary flowers sparkling in the rays of the winter sun!

Educator :- Guys, unfortunately, we can admire such snow lace only in winter. But so that a piece of winter will always be with us, we will create snow lace on paper.

Educator : I prepared the paints on this table...... But where are they? Guys, did you remove them? Where did they go? Well, okay, then let's take some paints from our corner of the art studio. Are they not there either? How will we draw then?

Educator: Wait a minute, there’s something else in our package, we need to see what’s there. (Takes out PVA glue with a dispenser and salt).

Educator : Guys, will we need salt for drawing? What about glue? ….Then – (Looks in surprise)….I came up with something….

Educator : In the meantime, I suggest you look at what patterns there are on the winter window. Sit comfortably on the mat. And look carefully.

The projector turns on, the presentation “Winter Patterns” is shown

4. Main part.(Stand up in a circle)

Before starting work, finger exercises are performed: “Here are my helpers.”

Here are my assistants, turn them any way you want:

And this way, and this way, they won’t be offended in any way.

One two three four five.

They can't sit again.

They'll work a little

We'll give them a rest.

Knocked, turned

And back on the road again.

Educator: - And now, I suggest you sit down at the tables. There is salt and glue on the tables. Do you think they could be useful for drawing? (Listen to the children's answers)

Educator : Since we don’t have any paints left, we’ll try to paint with what we have. It turns out that you can also draw with glue and salt. And now we will find out how and try together.

The teacher introduces the children to the “salt” drawing technique and invites the children to independently decorate sheets of dark colored paper with random lace patterns. Children choose the material themselves. Drawing with semolina and flour is done similar to salt painting. A “frosty pattern” is applied to the sheet with an adhesive pencil, then it is covered with different materials on top. Salt particles stick to the glue and form frosty patterns.

Educator: - Well done! What beautiful frosty lace you made. It takes some time for the glue to dry. In the meantime, we will rest with you.

Physical education lesson “Snowflake”

We are funny snowflakes

We are spinning in the air.

The wind blew and we flew,

We flew, we flew

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

The wind came again

And he picked up all the snowflakes.

Spun and flew

And they sat down on the ground again.

5. Summing up.

Guys, now your patterns are ready. You need to carefully brush the salt off them into the plates, look how I do it.

Educator : And I have a surprise for you! (the teacher opens the package) This is a letter! Who do you think it's from? (from Santa Claus) Santa Claus reminds you that he is waiting for your letters with applications for New Year's gifts from him. He doesn’t know who wants what for their holiday. And also, he reminds you to always behave well, listen to adults and not offend other children..... Did you guys guess who our package was from? (From Santa Claus)

Reflection: What new did you learn today? What did you like most? What will you talk about at home? Will you teach your parents how to paint with salt too?

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