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How much to bathe a 2 month old baby. Caring for a two month old baby. When to start bathing

Here is your 2-month-old baby, who has changed so much in such a short period of time that you can no longer imagine what will happen next. From this article you will learn how to care for your toddler, how the baby should develop correctly, and which one will suit him best.

How much should a 2 month old baby eat?

As you know, physical activity also requires a lot of energy. In order for the baby to receive it during this period in the quantity that he needs for proper development, he must eat well. In general, pediatricians indicate that a child should eat about 900 ml of milk per day. That is, one feeding should cover 150 ml. If we talk about the classic scheme of proper feeding, then you need to divide the food into 6 equal sessions. That is, this is essentially every 3-3.5 hours. no longer need night feeding, so at this time of day the break may be longer. For example, if you fed your baby for the last time at 11 p.m., you can safely wait until 6 a.m. for the next session.

Correct daily routine

As a rule, a 2-month-old baby has already adjusted his behavior quite well. He gets used to sleeping and eating at certain hours. At the same time, he doesn’t sleep that much anymore, so don’t worry if the total number of “sleepy” hours is reduced to 16-18. At night, a baby at this age already sleeps much more soundly and better. A rather big problem for both parents and the child himself is the fact when the baby confuses day and night. In this case, it is necessary to “retrain” him to sleep correctly. Remember that it will be very difficult to “turn” the situation. Walking becomes a very important part of a child’s life. A 2-month-old child whose routine is set up correctly should go for walks at least 2-3 times a day. Gradually increase the time spent outside, bringing it to 1.5 hours at an air temperature of at least 10 degrees. In the evening, when preparing your baby for bed, it is important to bathe. It can already be made longer (up to about 10 minutes). A 2-month-old child should bathe in water whose temperature is not lower than 37 degrees. Don't forget that he really needs a massage. Just like special gymnastics. You can read how to carry them out below.

Your baby's daily routine by the hour (approximate)

If we talk about how a 2-month-old baby should spend his day, his regime can be roughly divided as follows:

  1. 6 a.m. Waking up and first feeding.
  2. Before 7.30 is the best time to do a little exercise, wash the baby and play with him.
  3. 7.30 - 9.30: Your baby should sleep a little more. During this time, you can go about your business.
  4. At 9.30 am we wake up again and have a second breakfast.
  5. From 9.30 to 11.00 the child will not sleep. Therefore, you can safely get ready for a walk.
  6. From 11.00 to 13.00 the baby should rest. The ideal option would be to sleep in the fresh air.
  7. From one to two o'clock in the afternoon you need to return home, feed the baby and play with him a little.
  8. From 14.30 to 16.30 - time for daytime sleep.
  9. 16.30 - 18.30 the baby wakes up and is ready to play again.
  10. 18.00 - 20.00 time for evening sleep. Do not worry that a 2-month-old baby will not sleep at night in this case. This definitely won't happen.
  11. 20.00: the baby will wake up and begin to be awake again. You can play with him a little, then give him a bath.
  12. 22.00 - getting ready for bed.
  13. 24.00 last feeding.

What nuances of the daily routine are worth remembering?

Of course, you should understand that 2-month-old babies do not always follow the above routine. It often happens that they set for themselves the sleep and play schedule that they like best. It should be remembered that there is no problem with this. Even if the baby wakes up at 7 am, and not at 6, or falls asleep at 24.00, and not at 22.00. But, as mentioned above, if there are more serious problems with the regime, then it should be gradually changed to the correct one. How to do it? Get used to it first. If you consistently do the same activities every day, your child will get used to them.

How to do gymnastics and swimming?

It is important to bathe your baby at the same time every day. Most mothers choose evening time for this procedure. You can hold the baby with your hands in the bath while dad washes him, or use a special supporting hammock. As a rule, a half-hour bath helps the child “work up” an appetite and sleep well throughout the night. If water procedures, on the contrary, invigorate the baby, it is better to do them in the morning.

Special gymnastics includes extension and bending of the legs, spreading the arms to the sides, gentle stroking and a pleasant massage. A 2-month-old baby will especially like the latter. But remember that it is better not to do such exercises after meals. Also pay attention to the baby’s mood.

Many people believe that a 2-month-old baby is still too small to have a special sleep schedule. But, as periatricians say, it’s never too early to do this. If you want to help your baby make sleep more pleasant, then you should remember these recommendations:

  1. Try to follow the signals that the child himself gives you. Two months is still too early for discipline to form a routine, because the baby adapts to the needs of his body.
  2. It is very important to accurately follow all stages of the routine: walk, eat and play games at the time allocated for this. Then the child’s sleep will come faster and be deeper.
  3. To prevent your baby from developing a negative attitude towards sleep, try not to forcefully rock him to sleep or leave him alone in the room, hoping that this will stop him crying and fall asleep.

Height and weight of a two month old baby

In general, with normal nutrition and no health problems, such a baby should gain up to 900 grams, and also grow another 2.5 cm. At the same time, pediatricians indicate that on average the baby’s height should be 62 cm by this time , and weight is about 5600 grams. There is also a gradual increase in the circumference of the chest and head. The first is almost catching up with the second, although it is still a little less.

Diseases, doctors and vaccinations

If your baby was born in the cold season, then by the end of the second month of life he may have problems with a small amount of vitamin D in the body. This can lead to the development of D-deficiency rickets. If a 2-month-old baby's temperature constantly rises, he sweats a lot, the back of his head begins to go bald, and he urinates too often, then you should consult a pediatrician. He may prescribe an increase in the dose of vitamin D, a change in the daily diet, or some special medication.

It also very often happens that 2-month-old children, who previously had no signs of nervous system disorders, but suffered oxygen deprivation in the prenatal period, show symptoms of nervous disorders. This manifests itself in tearfulness, high excitability, trembling of the hands and chin while screaming or crying. In this case, the best solution would be to contact a professional pediatric neurologist.

Of course, a common cold can also appear, because not a single 2-month-old child is immune from it. A runny nose, elevated body temperature, fever and crying are often warning signs. If you notice them in your baby, consult a pediatrician for help. Under no circumstances should you try to cure it yourself, especially if a 2-month-old baby’s temperature rises too quickly.

Games for your baby's development

Of course, this is a very important part in the life of any child. What does a 2 month old baby do besides eat and sleep? Of course he plays. Since its activity time increases, you can spend more time in educational games, but no longer than 25 minutes in a row. What games do experts recommend at this age? An excellent option would be to play “magpie-white-sided,” when mom or dad takes turns fingering the baby’s fingers, pronouncing the words of the rhyme. Thus, the child’s speech apparatus will develop better. Start having a little conversation with your little one. He will answer you, watching his lips move. Since at this time the child likes to wave his legs and arms in the air, sometimes touching hanging toys with them, a pendant with bright animals that also ring after being hit will be an excellent choice. Rocking in a rocking chair is suitable for calm children. For those who are more emotional, it is better to choose light “dancing” around the house.

Exercise and massage for the baby

At this time, you just need to start doing simple exercises with your baby. To begin with, the usual bending and extension of the legs and arms will do, but later you can bend the legs at the knees when the child is in a lying position (on his tummy or back). This massage for a 2-month-old baby is considered the most common. If your baby suffers from improper digestion, then you can easily help him get rid of gases if you lay him on his back, bend his knees and do a light circular tummy massage for a few minutes. Also, to improve your baby’s digestion a little, place him on his tummy at least 3 times a day for a few minutes. At the same time, make sure that in this position the 2-month-old baby holds his head up. If you also combine this process with gentle and light stroking on the back, arms and legs, and buttocks, then the baby will like it even more. Stroking should be done clockwise. To harden your child, you can start air baths from the first months of life. They can be safely combined with laying on the tummy. When you wash the baby, do not use too warm water; if you add a little cool water, this will also become a kind of piercing.

What can a 2 month old baby do?

Your little one is gradually developing and growing. Therefore, already at the age of two months he can do much more than just after birth. So, for example, the child already partially controls his neck muscles. If you lift him by the arms, he will try to hold his head. If earlier the baby could very tightly grab his mother’s hand with his hand, then at this age this often disappears. Don't worry, this is completely normal. The child begins to better monitor the movement of different objects. He listens more often to the sounds coming, reacts to them in his own way. Can be scared or happy. The main feature of a baby at 2 months of age is his ability to focus his gaze on someone’s face. He starts smiling at his mom and dad. While lying on his tummy, the baby can hold his head for a short time. If at this moment you put a bright toy in front of him, he will most likely become interested in it and will focus his eyes on it. During this period of development, it is very important to show the baby to a doctor who will check the tone of his muscles and how correctly his joints are developing. It is also very important to check the correct development of the neck muscles on your first visit to a pediatrician.

Bathing is the key to health. Taking water procedures can become your baby’s favorite pastime. To do this, you should learn some rules for bathing newborns.

For the full development of the baby, a number of conditions and rules must be observed. Sleeping and waking hours, long walks in the fresh air, sufficient care and mother's attention. Bathing is an integral part of proper newborn care. Taking care of hygiene is important, because it is a basic component of health. How often should you bathe a 2 month old baby to keep him cheerful and healthy? You need to bathe your baby every day. Contraindications to taking water procedures will be: high temperature, vaccination, acute period of illness.
Bathing is a whole ritual that is not complete without accompanying items. To take a bath, a two-month-old toddler needs:

  • Actually a baby bath, if parents are not mentally prepared for water procedures in a large bath.
  • Thermometer for measuring water.
  • Towel and clean things.
  • A circle around the neck or a bathing stand if the baby swims in a large bathtub.

Bathing, like any procedure, requires a certain schedule. Bathe your child at the same time, this will streamline the routine.

How long does it take to bathe a 2 month old baby?

The optimal time for taking water procedures for this age is half an hour. The water temperature can range from 28 to 30 degrees. Temperatures up to 24 degrees are acceptable if the child tolerates it well. Lowering the temperature and keeping the bath longer will ensure that your baby is tired enough to have a restful night. Another positive aspect of regularly lowering the bathing temperature is the stimulation of the baby’s vitality and the development of the ability to resist infections.

Water procedures are best carried out before evening feeding, in the interval up to 21 hours.

How to properly bathe a 2 month old baby?

The child should be immersed in water gradually. First the legs, buttock, back, then the face and head.
The possibilities of a large bath are inexhaustible for a baby. Here he can swim without fear of hitting the sides. Early swimming strengthens the muscles of the back and neck. In addition, a child can sit in water already at this age. In addition, the baby has the ability to dive. After all, infants have a reflex that prevents water from entering the respiratory tract. If this reflex is not used, it will soon disappear.
How to wash a 2 month old baby? There is no need to use special products every day. It is easy to dry out a child's delicate skin with soap and shampoos. Therefore, you can allow the use of soap once a week.
If a 2 month old baby cries while bathing, you must:

  • change the time of day when swimming takes place;
  • change feeding time in relation to water procedures;
  • reconsider the water temperature, most likely the water is cool for the baby.

Your baby is growing rapidly! Time flies and the baby is already 2 months old. Now the baby begins to recognize his mother and smiles when she appears in his field of vision. He used to smile too, but it happened a little differently, unconsciously. Now you may notice that he smiles at your words or at your glance consciously, joyfully, specifically for you, and not just like that. This smile is the child’s first communication with mom and dad, now the closest people in the world to him and a clear sign of readiness for dialogue, for conscious perception and knowledge of the world around him.

What can a 2 month old baby do?

  • Visual concentration improves. Now the baby sees much further than before, at a distance of 50 centimeters or more. He studies his mother's face with interest, carefully watches the moving objects that come into his field of vision, his gaze is purposeful.
  • While on his stomach, he can hold his head only for a short period of time – 5–10 seconds. Turns his head towards the sound.
  • He reacts to the appearance of people close to him in his field of vision, running and running, starting to coo, actively moving his legs and arms. Pronounces various vowel sounds.
  • Examines objects located no further than 50 centimeters from him or toys hanging above the bed.
  • Likes to suck fists or fingers when he accidentally bends them.

At the age of 2 months the baby sleeps approximately 16–18 hours a day, of which he can sleep about 6 hours at a time at night without waking up. A total of 9 to 10 hours of sleep per night is required. It is important to remember that a baby’s skull at 2 months is still very soft! When putting your baby to bed, change his position in bed from time to time to avoid deformation and improper fusion of the skull bones. Children at the age of two months already distinguish between day and night, and therefore sleep longer at night than during the day.

At this stage of its development, the baby adapts to its environment. At this age, he had already mastered the first communication skill - smiling. It is different from the grimace that was before. The smile becomes truly radiant, attractive and simply mesmerizing. The baby gives it to any person who talks to him, and, of course, first of all to his parents - mom and dad.

Interestingly, at 2 months the infant already recognizes his mother by voice, smell or face, but, nevertheless, continues to study her, following her with his eyes as she moves around the room in which the baby is.

Mom, in turn, begins to understand her baby more and more, why he cries, what he wants. He partly understands the differences in behavior, what’s wrong with him: he’s hungry, or maybe he’s become hot, cold or wet. He learns to figure out what the child wants at the moment through his crying, which now changes intonation, indicating a call or request: to just be approached; fed him when he was hungry; held in arms; took time to play.

Watch your baby, and you will notice that he already knows how to show emotions: he is happy, realizing that the moment of feeding is coming, he may worry before bathing. Despite the fact that your child is still very young, he is already beginning to understand how loved ones react to his crying when he wants this or that.

Development at 2 months

At 2 months, the nervous system continues to actively form and become more complex. The reactivity of innate reflexes decreases. Your baby constantly strengthens movement skills, develops coordination, thereby acquiring conditioned reflexes. Increased physical activity requires increased attention from parents, since lack of supervision can lead to a fall and injury, even if the toddler does not crawl too quickly. Don't leave your child alone. The toddler's movements are more purposeful than before, and he really enjoys exploring his new abilities.

Due to the fact that the child was in a bent state for a significant part of his life in the mother’s womb, he will keep his legs and arms pressed to his body for a long time, and his fingers clenched into fists. From time to time he straightens his legs and arms, stretches, while unclenching his hands. By the end of the second month, the baby will learn to open the hand and keep it in a relaxed state. The neck muscles also develop. To speed up the process of their development, you should put the baby on his tummy more often.

Care at 2 months

The most important indicator that your baby is absolutely healthy is his stool is light yellow in color and has a slightly sour smell. At this age, stool occurs 2 to 4 times a day, and if the child is fed artificially, the stool will be a little dense.

Remember that at this age the skin is very delicate and sensitive, and first of all it is irritated by feces and urine. Monitor the condition of diapers, do not leave children in wet clothes for a long time. Another important point: when changing a diaper, do not forget to wipe the intimate places on the child’s body with special wipes for children or wash them under running warm water. The wipes should be damp and without any strong odors.

You ask, how often to bathe a 2 month old baby? At this stage of development, it is best to bathe children twice a week, adding a decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort to the bathtub. Frequent use of baby soap or shampoo while bathing a child will have an adverse effect on children's skin, because... she is easily irritated, very tender and sensitive. And decoctions of chamomile or St. John's wort have a beneficial disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect on children's skin, eliminating allergic rashes and soothing the body.

Hygiene. Sometimes red rashes in the form of pimples can be found on the face of a two-month-old baby. This is not a cause for concern - this is how maternal hormones, which come with breast milk, are removed from the baby's body. If the rash does not stop within 4-6 weeks, contact your pediatrician to rule out other causes. Also monitor the condition of your scalp. At 2 months it peels off and has a scaly covering - the so-called newborn gneiss. This is due to the fact that the baby’s excretory function of the sweat and sebaceous glands is still poorly developed. Believe me, this does not cause any discomfort in children, and the peeling itself will gradually disappear over time.

Watch your nails. Nowadays their growth is incredibly accelerating. It is better to cut nails during the day, when the baby is awake, and not before bedtime, since a child who is capricious after cutting his nails does not fall asleep for a long time. For this procedure, you need comfortable, well-cutting children's scissors that will not cause strong antipathy in children during subsequent procedures.

The baby has been growing and developing for 2 months, so his body has changed significantly compared to an earlier period. Continue to improve your health walks in the open air, spending a total of two to four hours a day, depending on the time of year.

With proper development and nutrition from the beginning of the second month, by the end of the month the child will grow by 3–5 cm and gain 560–1100 grams in weight.

When a child turns one month old, he no longer needs to be bathed in a special baby bath, but rather can be used by an ordinary adult bathtub. But you need to wash it more thoroughly!

To do this, you can use soda, laundry soap or other products that are safe for the baby. True, most parents continue to use a baby bath even at 5 months, because it is more convenient and hygienic.

At this age, you can no longer boil water and use running water for the procedure. If an adult bathtub is used for bathing, you can install a children's slide or hammock in it. This will make the process of caring for the baby more convenient for parents, because in this case they will not have to bend too low over the bathtub. Yes and the baby will not slide while in a hammock or slide.

The temperature for water procedures should be reduced by one degree every week. And the duration is gradually increased to 10 minutes. The optimal water temperature for a baby aged one month is 36 degrees.

Basic things that young parents will need to bathe their baby:

  • Baby bath, slide or mattress. They will prevent the child from slipping during the procedure.
  • Thermometer for monitoring water temperature.
  • Special product for bathing. This can be baby soap (solid or liquid), baby shower gel. It could also be a special baby shampoo. It’s true that many parents wash their baby’s head with baby soap.
  • Special hypoallergenic foam for bathing. It will help make the procedure not only hygienic, but also very exciting. Parents decide on their own whether to buy such foam or not; this is not a mandatory attribute.
  • To care for your baby's delicate skin while bathing, you need a soft washcloth.

    Nowadays you can easily find special sponges for babies, but soft terry mittens are also suitable for this purpose.

  • From a baby who is 1 month old, it is necessary to wash off soap suds. A small, lightweight ladle is perfect for this purpose. After all, both parents cannot always take part in caring for a child.
  • When choosing a towel, you need to ensure that it is very soft. Ideally, it is a terry towel with a hood. You can use it to carry your baby out of the bath and into the room to finish nursing.

May additionally be useful:

  1. Baby cream or oil. After bathing, you need to moisturize your baby's delicate skin by treating it with baby cream or oil.
  2. Baby powder if your baby has diaper rash.
  3. Cotton pads to gently wipe the baby's face.
  4. Special children's cotton swabs.

It is advisable to prepare all things in advance so as not to look for, for example, a towel at the most inopportune moment. And under no circumstances should you leave the baby alone, unattended.

Water procedures cannot be carried out if:

  • The child suffers from a disease with elevated body temperature.
  • Swimming is prohibited on the day of vaccination.

We invite you to watch a video about the opinion of the famous pediatrician Komarovsky:

How often can a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 month old baby and older have water procedures in the bathroom?

The duration of bathing gradually increases with the baby's age.. However, if the child cries, does not feel well, or something causes him discomfort, there is no need to keep him in the bath for the required time.

If the baby is restless and crying, it is better to finish the bath and calm the baby down.

Many young mothers are concerned about the question of how many times a day and how long can a child be in water at 2 months, 3 months, 5 months, 6 months, and so on? To fully satisfy curiosity, a table was created indicating the duration and frequency of bathing by month:

Age Bathing frequency Duration
2 months daily up to 10 minutes
3 months daily 11-12 minutes
4 months daily 12-13 minutes
5 months daily 13-14 minutes
6 months daily up to 15 minutes
7 months in one day up to 20 minutes
8 months in one day up to 25 minutes
9 months in one day up to 27 minutes
10 months in one day up to 29 minutes
11 months in one day about 30 minutes
12 months in one day up to 40 minutes

Washing technique

For water procedures, special equipment is provided that will make bathing your baby safe and very enjoyable. Bathing technique is quite simple:

We invite you to watch a video on how to properly bathe your baby:

After the bathing procedure, you need to take the baby out of the bath and wrap him in a soft and warm terry towel or diaper. Then blot the baby’s skin without making any effort.

It is necessary to dry all the folds of the skin thoroughly. The ears can be dried with gauze or a cotton pad. The disk needs to be cut into 4 parts and each of them rolled into a flagellum. After that, each ear needs to be wiped several times, briefly leaving the flagellum inside the auricle. This is necessary so that excess moisture is completely absorbed. You can also remove water from your nose.

The wet towel should be removed and the baby should be placed on clean diapers. You should lubricate all folds of the skin with baby oil. To do this, you can soak a cotton pad in oil.

The inguinal and intergluteal folds should be treated with baby cream or a special diaper cream.

After this, you can leave the baby to lie naked for 10-15 minutes (the room should be warm enough for this) so that his skin can breathe. Further you can put on a diaper after using baby powder.

There is no need to put on a diaper immediately after bathing. In this case, diaper rash and prickly heat in the baby cannot be avoided.

We invite you to watch a video about what procedures should be carried out with your baby after bathing:

Most often, bathing brings pleasure to the baby. And if a child cries during or after bathing, then there may be reasons for this:

You can bathe your baby only 30-40 minutes after feeding. Otherwise, actively moving in the water, the child may vomit everything he eats. Or, let’s say, the baby was absolutely calm, but when they put him in the water, he started to go into hysterics.

The parents' bathing technology is not broken, but every time during the procedure the same thing is repeated - the loud crying of the baby. What needs to be changed? Since all children are individual, the solution must also be sought based on the characteristics of the baby.

Water procedures are an integral part of baby care. Therefore, there is no need to neglect them.

The baby has very delicate skin and... In this regard, 2 months should be carried out taking into account a number of rules and recommendations of specialists.

The question, at 2 months, is quite relevant for young parents. Each baby has its own characteristics, so it is better to determine the time of water procedures individually.

The average bathing time is half an hour. – 20:00-21:00 .

Evening swimming helps eliminate psycho-emotional stress and provides... The procedure should be carried out before feeding. If, then this means that something does not suit him. You probably need to change your bath time either.

It is important to choose the optimal frequency of bathing. If you perform hygiene too often, it can reduce the skin's ability to resist bacteria. At the age of two months, the child experiences active formation of beneficial microflora.

If you frequently wash your baby with antibacterial agents, this can lead to irritation, dryness, etc.

Neglect of hygiene also negatively affects the condition of the dermis: it may appear. Rare bathing also has a negative impact on physical development. While taking a bath, blood circulation is normalized and muscle tension is eliminated. Active movements of the child in the water help strengthen muscles.

Bathing rules

In order for water procedures to bring only benefits to the child, they should be carried out taking into account a number of rules. Bathing is a ritual that requires certain items.

Thermometer for measuring water temperature

To take a bath you will need:

  • thermometer for determining water temperature;
  • baby bath. Pediatrician Komarovsky claims that at two months it is already possible. It should first be washed with soda;
  • towel;
  • clean clothes;
  • bed sheet;
  • hygiene products.

Bathing a baby at 2 months should be carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  • it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the bathroom at +22-23 degrees;
  • the water should be warm and comfortable for the baby (approximately +36-37 degrees). Its temperature must be constantly monitored and maintained at an optimal level;
  • before swimming, you should close all the windows in the apartment to prevent drafts;
  • The child should be placed in the water gradually: first the legs, then the buttocks, then the back, arms and head;
  • if the baby’s umbilical wound has not yet healed, then he should be bathed in a baby bath in boiled water;
  • You can do this to improve the condition of your skin. To prepare decoctions, pediatricians recommend using oak bark, sage, lavender, motherwort, and valerian;
  • if, then bathing should be postponed;
  • You should not use herbal decoctions and soap every day;
  • if the baby is in a bad mood and does not want to take a bath, then the procedure should be postponed to another day.

In the summer, when the baby is constantly sweating, it is worth bathing him every day. In winter, the frequency of water procedures can be reduced. During illness, it is better to avoid bathing.

Baby care products

Today, the range of care products for children is quite wide. Therefore, parents can choose a product that will suit the needs and individual characteristics of the child.

Caring products for two-month-old babies include:

  • soap, gels. The advantage of the latter product is ease of use, economical consumption;
  • shampoos. They can be used from the first days of life. Some parents use gel or regular soap;
  • cream. After each bath, the baby's skin should be lubricated with milk or cream. This prevents drying out and saturates the epidermal covers with nutrients. A high-quality cream should have moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • . Used to prevent diaper rash on the skin. The most sensitive parts of the body (axillary and cervical folds, elbow bends) are treated with powders. This product absorbs moisture and prevents irritation.

It is better to buy products for caring for a two-month-old baby in specialized stores or pharmacies.

  1. Mustela. Has been producing baby products for over 60 years. Constantly expands the range and improves the composition;
  2. Bubchen. This is a German company that is famous for producing herbal cosmetics for children;
  3. Eared nanny. This is a Russian company that produces cosmetics using modern technologies. Its products are cheaper than imported analogues;
  4. Weleda. Specializes in the production of natural cosmetics;
  5. Johnson & Johnson. It is distinguished by consistently high quality products.

Video on the topic

Dr. Komarovsky tells how to properly bathe a baby:

Thus, you can bathe a two-month-old baby in a nursery or a shared bath. It is worth choosing the optimal time, frequency and frequency of water procedures. You need to make sure that you have everything you need for washing: soap, towel, thermometer, etc. Bathing a child is required taking into account a number of rules and recommendations from specialists.

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